There are plenty of options to keep you occupied and much more to come. Some of the features are:
-Daycab, 36/48/63″ flattop sleepers, 48/63″ standup sleepers, a custom chopped 72″ sleeper. Some of the sleepers have diamond windows in the rear.
-For chassis right now there is 220, 250, 305″ and a 305″ with pusher axle.
-Plenty of front/rear bumpers, headlights, mirrors, exhaust, airlines for you to explore.
-Intensive customisation options for accessories and parts
Works on ATS version 1.52
Update: v4.2.2
-Added missing ao textures for cabin, interior and accessories etc.
-Fixed sound warning errors
Changelogs 4.2.1
-Compatibility only for 1.52
Changelogs 4.2
-Compatibility for 1.51
-Fixed engine data and other errors
-Updated the materials
-Remove old duplicated files
-Added interior shadows
6 Comments on “PIZZ 389 PETERBILT MEGAPACK V4.2.2 1.52”
Please upload the latest version, this one is missing interior lights, underglow, engine color, antiglare lights, the light pack and all the def files.
Please upload the latest version, this one is missing interior lights, underglow, engine color, antiglare lights, the light pack and all the def files.
Can YouTube please add the new Update? Its just the 1.51 but not the latest update
This is a beautiful mod but based on the original on the page it lacks a lot and in some configurations it takes it out of the game
update it for 1.51 plz and can you please make a file for lower end pc
I would also be interested in a file for lower end pc.
Some chrome parts appear pink, how can I fix it?