Climate Change V1.0.1

Climate Change V1.0.1

Climate Change adds more weathers to appropriate climates for biomes and unique locations to provide a greater variety of weather as you explore the Settled Systems.

Some locations like settlements have unique weathers, such as New Atlantis having its own special Clear weather. These unique weathers were respected and still have a higher than average chance of happening. Climate Change simply means that there’s a chance for some different weathers that will have you wondering why Bethesda chose to omit them.

This mod was created after browsing existing climate mods and seeing them either completely change the visuals of the game or overstep their reach (why would a weather mod ever add Terrormorph spawns???). Every unique location’s changes considered which biome they were a part of and what kind of experience the original weather choices were supposed to provide, creating a mod that almost feels unnatural to play without.

The Changes
-Coniferous Forests now have overcast weather.
-Deciduous Forests now have overcast weather.
-Plateaus now have heavy rain.
-Rocky Deserts now have heavy rain.
-Sandy Deserts now have heavy rain.
-Tropical Forests now have overcast weather.

-1-Of-A-Kind Salvage and Niira’s wetlands and hills now have clear, cloudy, and heavy rain.
-Akila now has overcast, heavy rain, and thunderstorms.
-Argos Extractors Mining Outpost now has clear, cloudy, overcast, rain, heavy rain, thunderstorms, sandstorms, and heavy sandstorms.
-Gagarin now has cloudy, rain, heavy rain, thunderstorms, and sandstorms.
-Kreet Research Lab now has Kreet’s unique clear weather, cloudy, fog, overcast, rain, heavy rain, thunderstorms, Kreet’s unique sandstorms, and heavy sandstorms.
-Kreet’s frozen volcanic biomes now have cloudy, fog, and heavy snow.
-Kreet’s mountains and volcanic biomes now have cloudy, fog, overcast, rain, heavy rain, thunderstorms, and heavy sandstorms.
-Londinion now has a low chance for clear, partly cloudy, cloudy, fog, overcast, and snow.
-Neon how has a low chance for fog, overcast, heavy rain, and thunderstorms.
-New Atlantis now has rain, heavy rain, and thunderstorms.
-New Homestead now has clear, cloudy, and foggy weather.
-Niira’s frozen plains now have clear, cloudy, overcast, and heavy snow.
-Paradiso Now has a low chance for cloudy, fog, and overcast weather. It explicitly always has great weather, but now the clouds won’t always play nice.
-Red Mile now has clear, cloudy, and foggy weather.
-Scorpion’s Sting now has partly cloudy, cloudy, fog, overcast, rain, heavy rain, and thunderstorms.
-Suvorov now has a low chance for clear, partly cloudy, cloudy, and foggy weather.
-Titan’s oceans now have clear, partly cloudy, cloudy, fog, heavy rain, and thunderstorms.
-Titan’s frozen plains now have clear, cloudy, and foggy weather.
-Vectera’s craters and rocky deserts now have cloudy, overcast, rain, heavy rain, thunderstorms, sandstorms, and heavy sandstorms.
-Vectera’s frozen dunes now have cloudy, fog, snow, and heavy snow.
-Venus now has clear, sandstorms, and heavy sandstorms.

-Frozen Plains
-Volcanic (Rough)
-Volcanic (Worn)
-Cydonia Frozen
-Earth (Frozen)



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