Sold from Freightliner dealers and Freightliner dealers from modifications;
3 cab options: 70 ” Mid-Roof and Raised Roof Sleepers, 84 ” Raised Roof Sleeper;
3 interior with different colors;
8 chassis options: 6×4, 8×4, 8×6;
Transmissions Eaton Fuller (third-party transmissions are not supported!);
The engines are combined with them according to the characteristics of transmissions (third-party engines are not supported!);
Engine sounds updated;
Painting support;
Support for advanced coupling;
Support for the animation of brakes;
Their cables for trailers;
own tuning;
Added a set of branded tires and caps Freightliner;
Added Freightliner steering wheels;
Smoke from exhaust pipes;
Added by DLC Steering Creations Pack + Steering Wheel Knobs (updated to version 2020);
Support DLC Cabin Accessories (some accessories from it are added to the mod);
Support SISL’s Mega Pack v3.3;
Support for pneumatic signals from SCS;
Added warning flags and signage for the transport of oversized cargo;
Added light bulbs and fog lights from ETS2;
Submitted to the gallery;
Added to orders companies.
Based on Freightliner Classic XL V3.0 (BSA Personal) mod for ATS V1.40 and higher;
Adapted: for ATS V1.43;
Updated: models, materials, interior animation;
Corrections: Light, mirrors, properties of interior materials.
Additions: new accessories, new accessories, Eaton Fuller transmissions, all kinds of animations, including new features based on SCS games;
Revision: models of tractor, interiors and some accessories, animations and light;
Changes: models of tractor, interiors and some accessories, changed animations, light and properties of some materials, the names of some accessories;
Removal: I have become unnecessary files and some options of accessories.