Inspired by “Mission Timer Redux” and “Faster Fleet Expeditions And Settlement Timers”, I created 4 mods that remove the waiting times for fleet expeditions, settlement construction, and settlement requests.
The Four mods are:
1. Instant Fleet Expeditions, Which removes the timers for fleet expeditions. (This does not affect the limitation of 5 expeditions per day.) (Alters GCFLEETGLOBALS.GLOBAL)
2. Instant Settlement Timers, Which removes the timers for both requests at the overseer’s office, and construction of buildings at the settlement. (Alters GCSETTLEMENTGLOBALS.GLOBAL)
3. Instant Settlement Building, Which removes the timers for settlement construction, but not requests at the overseer’s office. (Alters GCSETTLEMENTGLOBALS.GLOBAL)
4. Short Fleet Expeditions, Which Reduces the timers for fleet expeditions to 1-2 Minutes. Use instead of “Instant Fleet Expeditions” if you can’t get the Dream Aerial Blueprint. (This does not affect the limitation of 5 expeditions per day.) (Alters GCFLEETGLOBALS.GLOBAL)
Instant Fleet Expeditions might prevent the Dream Aerial blueprint from being acquired. If you are having problems getting it, Try disabling the mod or using “Short Fleet Expeditions” until you do.