Put in lml folder
If you want to customize the pause screen see this mods description: Red Pause Filter
If you want to remove things from animpostfx see this mods description
and compare with WinMerge to Binocular Fix 1.0: No Pause Menu Filter and Wheel Filter
For the original RDR1 Pause Menu see: Original RDR1 Pause Menu
All three of these include the fix, though only Original RDR1 Pause Menu has the blend modes de-hashed
+ the colors converted to hex, so if you want to customize the pause menu grab that.
They’re using 2.0 as well so if you want 2.0.1:
Line 82885: <Disabled value="False" /><!--BinocularFix version 2.0 = True-->
Line 83049: <AxisScales x="10" y="10" z="10" w="10" /><!--Box Remover-->
For No Wheel Filter that is compatible With Ability Cards click spoiler:
Line1377: <Intensity value="0" />
Line1585: <Disabled value="True" />
Line1806: <Disabled value="True" />
Line2027: <Disabled value="True" />
Line2248: <Disabled value="True" />
Line2469: <Disabled value="True" />
These will need to be added to Original RDR1 Pause Menu, if you use it and want the changes from No Wheel Filter.
Or if you use Binocular Fix and want only to remove the Wheel Filter while maintaining compatibility with Ability Cards.