Black Neocity Formwear V1.3.1

Black Neocity Formwear V1.3.1

Changes color of brown formwear to black.

Very rough attempt at changing the color of Brown Neocity Formwear from brown to black. This also makes the layer beneath Festive Neocity Poncho black instead of gray. Unavoidable at this point in time unfortunately.

If you don’t have it, you need to create a StarfieldCustom.ini file in “Documents\My Games\Starfield”. Add these lines:

You can install the mod in “Documents\My Games\Starfield” if you don’t have

set in that same StarfieldCustom.ini file.

If you do, delete the Data folder in Documents and install the mod in your Steam game folder (usually “Steam\steamapps\common\Starfield”).



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zip Black Neocity Formwear-1-3-1 175 KB
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