The Spyder V1.15

The Spyder

Go to the Rock in Akila City and find the box someone left in the back corner of the bar next to the stairs. Loot the claim ticket from the box and read it from your inventory. Upon backing out of the menus a terminal will pop up allowing the ship(s) to be claimed. Only the ships that you have piloting skill for will appear to be claimed. Each ship can only be claimed once, and the ships cannot be modified. All of the ships have the same cargo capacity and base speed.

For the discerning bounty hunter, this light cruiser takes a page from luxury sports cars of old Earth. Providing for all of your bounty hunting needs while looking sharp and living the high life!

The sleek exterior exudes menace and packs enough of a punch to take down that quarry or fend off those pesky spacers and pirates.

The DogStar 104DS reactor powers three 95MeV Helion beams, a whole suite of Vanguard autocannons (Don’t ask how we got them!), a full complement of CE-39 missile launchers, and one of the best shields money can’t buy!

The Slayton SA-4330 engines and low weight guarantee you get that speed you need not to be outrun by any but the nimblest of opponents.

The interior provides ample room for a small crew, an armory (With holding cell!), and an infirmary for when you get banged up or need to take that mark in alive when they are bleeding out on your deck. There is also ample cargo space for that extra loot as well as shielded compartments (and a scan jammer!) for when you want to move some contraband on the side.

Claim yours now!

The standard model is a B class ship with Exterminator 95MeV Auto Helion Beams, Vanguard Hellfire Autocannons, CE-39 Missile Launchers, Vanguard Bulwark Shield, 104DS Mag Inertial Reactor, and an RD-3000 Beta Grav Drive. If sold, the ship will cost 565,000 credits to buy back without ranks in commerce. Requires piloting level 3.

The A class variant has: Vaporizer 35MeV Auto Proton Beams, Vanguard Obliterator Autoprojectors, CE-19 Missile Launchers, Deflector SG-60 Shield, Tokamak X-300 Reactor, and an R-4000 Alpha Grav Drive. If sold, the ship will cost 530,000 credits to buy back without ranks in commerce. Does not require any piloting skill.

The C class variant has: Obliterator 250MeV Auto Alpha Beams, Vanguard Ares Particle Cannons, PBO-300 Auto Alpha Beams, Assurance SG-1800 Shield, Pinch 8A Reactor, and an RD-3000 Beta Grav Drive. If sold, the ship will cost 600,250 credits to buy back without ranks in commerce. Requires piloting level 4.



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