Starfield Script Extender Icon V1.0

Starfield Script Extender Icon V1.0

Replacement Icons for SFSE (Starfield Script Extender) / Starfield Shortcuts (Ico + PNG)

*This mod is free to be included in other mods or “modpacks” etc, credit would be appreciated, but not required*
*I am not associated with the SFSE team*

Basically, I re-labeled my SFSE desktop shortcut to “SFSE” and changed my icon to this file.
This is for those who do not wish to figure out how to create their own .ico files, or wish to just download pre-made.

(These are basic .ico files for those who know how to use them already.)

1. Unpack into the desired location, I suggest the same folder as your SFSE Loader.
2. If you have not already, create a shortcut for “sfse_loader.exe”, desktop, or otherwise.
3. Right-click the shortcut and go to “Properties”.
4. Select “Change Icon…”, Select “Browse”, and go to the downloaded file’s location.
5. Select the desired Icon and click “Open”, then hit “OK”. (Use the .ico files!)
6. Select “Apply”, then “OK”.
7. (Optional) Righ-Click Shortcut and rename “SFSE” or “Starfield Script Extender” etc
8. Profit.



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File File size
rar SFSEConstellationlogoico-1-0 212 KB
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