Unlimited Crew Members – no esp V1.0

Unlimited Crew Members - no esp V1.0

Txt file with console commands to increase the crew limit to any number you like.

prid 3f7e8 -> (lets the console click on the frontier)
modav SpaceshipCrewRating 100 -> (increases ship crew rating)
modav SpaceshipCrewSlots 100 -> (increases ship crew slots)
prid 14 -> (lets the console click on the player)
modav 160030 100 -> (increases the players command limit)

The Razorleaf’s formID for example is 14E2FA.

If you need help finding your ship’s form ID. Go inside the ship, open the console, and type ” player.getspaceship ” to see your ship’s form ID to appear in a txt file.


If you type bat crew, make sure to enter the commands in order using the arrow keys to select through your console history.



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File File size
zip Unlimited Crew - Frontier-100 227 B
zip Unlimited Crew - Mantis-100 227 B
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