Unlimited Storage (link HomeShip workbenches) V0.01

Unlimited Storage (link HomeShip workbenches) V0.01

Connect workbenches in your Homeship and Lodge basement to the Lodge player safe unlimited container for crafting components. The unlimited container inventory can be accessed from anywhere in the universe.

The Lodge player bedroom safe container [ 00266e81 ] is not storage limited and never resets. This new papyrus script makes it persistent so it can be accessed from anywhere in the universe, direct from the console or through these scripted functions.

Copy/Paste the new script functions into the console, create BAT files or assign to HOTKEYS.INI (called StarfieldConsole.ini by some). There should be no need to actually type any of the functions.

It is a standalone expansion of the existing Link Lodge Workbenches and SKK Global Script solutions which now includes homeship workbenches. Yes you can run this over either of the existing solutions if you are a repeat customer.

ps If you read this and just see a bunch of meaningless [ blah blah blah ] then best wait until next year when the tools are published to create simple point ‘n click end user solutions.

Unlimited storage functions

cgf “SKK_UnlimitedStorageScript.LinkLodgeWorkbenches” MoveContainer

This must be run in the Lodge interior to make the no reset player safe unlimited storage container [ 00266e81 ] persistent.


Links Lodge basement workbenches to the unlimited storage container for crafting components.

Does not affect workbenches ability to also use homeship hold and player inventory crafting components.

Optional MoveContainer value 1 will move the player safe from the bedroom to the basement under the gun rack (see picture) for EZ access, value 0 will reset it back to the bedroom. The standard console command format for optional values is [ cgf “SKK_UnlimitedStorageScript.LinkLodgeWorkbenches” 1 ] without the square brackets.

Only needs to be run once as the links are permanent in a savegame, but you can run it as much as you like to flip the container location.

cgf “SKK_UnlimitedStorageScript.UnlinkLodgeWorkbenches”

This must be run in the Lodge interior.

Unlinks Lodge basement workbenches from unlimited storage. Yes you can link and unlink as much as you like.

cgf “SKK_UnlimitedStorageScript.LinkHomeshipWorkbenches” MoveInventory

This must be run in the Homeship interior after LinkLodgeWorkbenches.

Links homeship workbenches to the unlimited storage container for crafting components.

Does not affect workbenches ability to also use homeship hold and player inventory crafting components.

Optional MoveContents value 1 will move all of the ship hold inventory to the unlimited container. This is *everything* including Ship Repair Kits and such, so be careful. The standard console command format for optional values is [ cgf “SKK_UnlimitedStorageScript.LinkHomeShipWorkbenches” 1 ] without the square brackets.

This must also be run after you change your HomeShip or workshop module as the workbench ReferenceIDs all change, and this stateless global script can not automatically detect those change events (OnHomeShipSet, OnPlayerModifiedShip) until CreationKit is available.

cgf “SKK_UnlimitedStorageScript.UnLinkHomeshipWorkbenches”

This must be run in the homeship interior.

Unlinks homeship workbenches from unlimited storage. Yes you can link and unlink as much as you like.

cgf “SKK_UnlimitedStorageScript.OpenUnlimitedStorage”

Opens the unlimited storage container for transfer from anywhere in the universe.

This waits for the console to close before opening the inventory menu.

cgf “SKK_UnlimitedStorageScript.OpenHomeShipCargoHold”

Open your homeship cargo inventory from anywhere in the universe. The ability to transfer items will depend on [ SetGS fMaxShipTransferDistance ] which defaults to 250 meters.

This waits for the console to close before opening the inventory menu.

cgf “SKK_UnlimitedStorageScript.OpenCargoHoldUnlimitedStorage”

Combines OpenHomeShipCargoHold and OpenUnlimitedStorage into a single sequential call so you can use ther category filters to transfer specific items (like only crafting components) from [ cargo hold > player ], then transfer [ player > unlimited storage ]. Altho flipping the base game UI between storage and inventory with [ Q ] can get confusing and cause stuff to end up in the wrong inventory. Hey ho.

cgf “SKK_UnlimitedStorageScript.SwitchInventory”

Move all inventory between HomeShip and UnlimitedStorage.

If HomeShip has inventory it moves everything to UnlimitedStorage, else it moves UnlimitedStorage to HomeShip. It uses [ abRespectTargetCapacity = false ] so you can totally overfill the ship hold.

Leftover from testing, you may find it handy.

cgf “SKK_UnlimitedStorageScript.MoveToUnlimitedStorage”

Move player to the unlimited storage container in the Lodge bedroom or basement.

Ths can cause the Homeship to be left at the last landing point and not move to Atlantis spaceport. Workaround is to (a) use [ MoveToHomeShip ] function or (b) fast travel direct to another known planet which puts the player back in the Homeship.

cgf “SKK_UnlimitedStorageScript.MoveToHomeShip”

Move to your homeship interior from anywhere in the universe.


F1=cgf “SKK_ConsoleUtilityScript.OpenCompanionFollowersInventory”
F2=cgf “SKK_UnlimitedStorageScript.OpenCargoHoldUnlimitedStorage”
F3=cgf “SKK_ConsoleUtilityScript.HealCompanionFollowers”
F4=cgf “SKK_ConsoleUtilityScript.SpawnRandomHostiles” 4
F5=cgf “SKK_ConsoleUtilityScript.SpawnRandomFollowers” 2 1
Home=cgf “SKK_UnlimitedStorageScript.MoveToUnlimitedStorage”
End=cgf “SKK_UnlimitedStorageScript.MoveToHomeShip”


1) Extract SKK_UnlimitedStorageScript.pex from the download archive to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Starfield\Data\Scripts … or … wherever starfield.exe lives\Data\Scripts (create \Scripts folder if it doesn’t exist).

(2) Enable Loose Files with archive invalidation.

(3) Call the functions from the [ console ] or assign functions to HOTKEYS.INI

(4) Optional: whine on endlessly about mod managers not knowing about loose Papyrus script PEX files, your aversion to the taxing task of moving one file to a folder and total entitlement to zero effort solutions for free.


(1) This is a new standalone Papyrus script file with no dependencies on ANYTHING AT ALL except enabling loose files. The script is stateless and holds no persistent properties or data. As it does not change any existing files or assets the likelyhood of it conflicting with anything should be close to zero.

(2) Running console commands disables achievements.

(3) Some mods that hack the UI apparently stop inventory screens being activated or displayed including No Lockpick Activate. That is not a conflict, it is something that breaks game mechanics.

(4) Yes you can run this in games you have already used Link Lodge Workbenches and SKK Global Script solutions, no problem. It would be best to replace SKK_ConsoleUtilityScript unlimited storage function calls in your bat files and hotkeys.ini with SKK_UnlimitedStorageScript calls as they will be better maintained going forward.

Known Issues

(1) WARNING: this uses early releases of CHAMPOLLION and CAPRICA Papyrus scripting tools. Whilst the script enjoys the usual SKK standard of engineering and testing, there may be unknown unknowns.

(2) This is unsuitable for folks who don’t know how to use console commands and/or can’t be arsed to read this description and/or need to whine about copying a file.


Once xEdit is published with ESP saving enabled these functions will be delivered through Activation items and AddActivate Perks with full real time event registrations, so no need to console stuff and re-run functions after ship changes.



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File File size
zip SKK_UnlimitedStorageScript_001 4 KB
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