Yet More New Sarees V1.0

Yet More New Sarees V1.0

More new sarees with corrected maps

The original red saree (sari) annoyed me because it had a dark panel around the backside that neither draped properly, nor did it match the material run (the way the material panels are attached to each other). Initially I set out to correct just that but ended up fixing the rough map, normal map and the masks too. Nobody in their right mind touches a baked-in AO map! Having chopped up the original saree into lots of different layers in Photoshop, it didn’t take much more effort to create some recolours too. The one overriding concern was that the gold stitching had to retain its original colour and metallic shine.

The teal variant is my favourite
The green one has a cherry red border around the bottom of the outer skirt
The blue one can appear to be either blue-and-silver or silver-and-blue, depending on the ambient light
The red one has been saturated slightly as well as having the inner dress material corrected.

Please use just one archive at a time as they all modify the same files. You can either manuallyl download the archive and unzip it into the main Starfield folder or use Vortex to manage it. This mod will conflict with any other mod that touch the files in \textures\clothes\outfit_dress_sari\.



Download mod

File File size
zip Teal Saree-1-0 19 MB
zip Green Saree-1-0 19 MB
zip Blue and Silver version-1-0 20 MB
zip Red Saree-1-0 19 MB
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