Brown Leather Replacements for Deep Recon and Space Trucker Spacesuits V1.0

Brown Leather Replacements for Deep Recon and Space Trucker Spacesuits

Replaces Space Trucker Armor with the First Officer outfit and Deep Recon Spacesuit with the Freestar Dustwear Outfit

Updated and combined multiple versions of Riordan’s two suit replacer mods to work with game update 1.11.36. Removed Ranger text from Deep Recon replacemenet and darkened it. Added compatibility with Freestar Rebels and other mods.

The only issue I’m having is there are some transparent parts of the Deep Recon replacement that I can’t seem to fix which you’ll see in the pictures. I don’t know if another mod is causing it or if it’s a bug from the original mod or it’s just something I messed up.

This is my part of my ongoing project to replace every remaining vanilla spacesuit in Starfield with a Star Wars counterpart. I will not be replacing anything that’s already been replaced by another Star Wars mod, such as UC Empire, Freestar Rebels, Ecliptics, Pirates, etc. While this isn’t necessarily a Star Wars mod, it fits the theme of a Star Wars universe alot better than the original spacesuits. These will be named accordingly to Scoundrel and Smuggler Outfits in my other mod



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7z Brown Leather Replacements for Spacesuits-1-0 97 MB
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