HopeTown expanded V1.0

HopeTown expanded V1.0

HopeTown: A town, without the town.

This mod adds a new city area in HopeTown.
There is nothing to do, so do not expect any new merchants, interiors, quests, etc. This is only for immersion!

Why this expansion?

The front-left part of the factory-building and the tower at the top are supposed to be the “town”, or at least living quarters (I guess because the indoors is way smaller than the outside, and there is no physical access or at least fake doors to these parts).

However, HopeTech is a big spaceship manufacturer in the galaxy, so even if they have a decent factory size, I think the living area should be at least bigger in my opinion. Building many spaceships like the ones we can see inside the hangars should require a lot of manpower, so this is the reasonof why I’ve made this expansion.

I do not think I will make it larger, because it’s not a major city anyway.


This mod only makes changes to 3-4 cells around the landing platform, and I didn’t touch any of the vanilla buildings/areas.

So it’s probably not compatible with mods that add things in the same cells, but mods that make changes to the HopeTown buildings, factories, or interiors should be fine, I think?

Known issues

– I tried to remove the grass near the entrance area (after the fence), without success lol.
– LOD generation is not perfect, and because of this, not everything appears on the surface map.


This is the first mod I ever created in my life. I still have a lot of things to understand in CK, so if you see any problem, please tell me.

CK is very complex and a few things drive me NUTS, such as LOD generation, displaying the area on the surface map in game, or also terrain edition that does not reflect in the game.

Also, I created a Medium ESM plugin, as I got a few warnings during small ESM generation. I may change it to a small master if a medium is not required.



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