Rustling V1.1.1

Rustling V1.1.1

Rustling was a common practice in the wild west, where cattle and other livestock were frequently stolen from ranches and driven to remote locations to be sold. Cowboys who engaged in rustling were often part of organized gangs who operated under the cover of darkness. The stolen animals were often branded over with the rustler’s own mark before being sold or traded for profit. Rustling was a serious crime in the wild west, and ranchers and law enforcement worked tirelessly to catch and punish those responsible. Despite the risks involved, rustling remained a lucrative and dangerous trade in the untamed frontier.

Go to any cow, bull, ox, sheep, or goat spawn location and lasso the animal. Once you get close enough, you will have a prompt to “Rustle” the animal. Once you Rustled that animal then go to the next one and do the same. Rustle as many as you want (I’ve tried up to 10 in a herd). Once you have your herd. Lead the animals outside the pen or wherever to your horse and mount your horse. Once you’re on your horse, you will be prompted to pick a Rustler location. Once you have chosen a location exit and then whistle as prompted to begin the Rustling.
Herd the animals to your selected Rustler location. On your journey, you can speed the herd up or slow them down depending on if you have stragglers. Stray too far from the herd and they will start wandering. Round them up and get them back into group by using the prompts. The mechanics take a few tries to get used to. If the animals in your herd stray too far behind or get stuck then slow the herd down. Once they re-group then you can speed them up again. You may have to knock an animal or two with your horse to get them back on path. Hope this makes sense. If you herd cows with sheep or goats, the cows might trample the small animals. So, just keep that in mind when herding different animals.

MacFarlane’s Ranch
Emerald Ranch
Van Horn

A cow is worth $25 while a bull or ox is worth $30. Bulls/ox are far more challenging to Rustle but you can Rustle them. Takes some practice with the mechanism though and a few pieces of cocaine gum. Goats and sheep are both $10. Note all Rustlers pay these prices but the Van Horn Rustler is a bit shady. He gives you what ever he has on hand for the animals you sell to him. Could be more or less than the other Rustlers.

This is the full version of my Rustling Beta version. I’ve tried my best to hammer out any bugs but there will probably be some more. If you find any then please submit them as a bug report. I’ve tested up to 10 animals in a herd and from locations as far as Manzanita Post to Van Horn and it works as expected through the road navmesh (water, passing carts, passing riders, blocking trains, etc etc). If you do a game mission while you’re Rustling then it will interfere with mod unexpectedly. Some missions more than others. So, don’t do missions or side missions after you’ve initiated the Rustling.

Requires Scripthook. Unzip the file then copy and paste Rustling.asi into your game’s root directory.

Special Thanks:
Thanks 1 or 2 of the guys in RDRMC discord server (You know who you are) who gave me the idea and feedback for this mod ;p


Sir Gremlin

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