Survivalist Compound – Eridani-II V1.0.4

Survivalist Compound - Eridani-II

Survivalist Compound – Player Housing located on Eridani II.

Player house that serves as a base for a larger and more detailed set of mods including a new faction, set of quests, planetary encounters, items and NPC’s.

This mod includes a complete set of ‘Survivalist’ gear including a spacesuit, helmet and pack, as well as a clothing item. These items are extensively overpowered. Also included is a set of weapons based on my Overpowered Weapon Mod in the spirit of this mod (There is NO conflict between the two!) and includes a couple of new weapons as well.

The main pre-built portion of this location is an underground bunker, but the entire area surrounding the bunker entrance is completely buildable. There is an outpost marker that allows building and doesn’t count against your outpost limit and should allow you to do most anything you can do in a normal outpost. Assigning crew currently does not function properly, and I haven’t tested cargo links or their associated landing pads (but you CAN build ship landing pads and ship builder landing pads without issue.) Please let me know if cargo links have any issues.



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zip SGC_SurvivalistCompound_Eridani-II-v1-04 2 MB
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