Now taken over the maintenance of Canadream now known as CanaMania (due to copyright reasons). I will fix any bugs that are found and endeavor to keep it up to date with the latest ATS Version.

-Requires C2C v2.16.50.x (may also work with v2.15.50.x)



4/5 - (8 votes)

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zip CanaMania_v2.50.0 94 MB
zip CanaMania_v2.49.0 94 MB
zip CanaMania_v2.48.2 93 MB
zip CanaMania_v2.48.1 93 MB
zip CanaMania_v2.48.0 93 MB
zip CanaMania_v2.47.0 93 MB
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3 Comments on “CANAMANIA V2.50.0”

  1. This mod cashes my game even thou i’ve started a new profie without any other mod runing please fix this mod thank

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