DOM’S 379 V1.4 1.53

DOM'S 379 V1.1.3 FOR 1.46

5 Cabins: 48 Flat Top,48 Stand Up,70″ Ultracab, Day Cab/Ultra Day Cab,36 Merc
33 Chassis
Engines: Strokins 444 Series,Cat 3406E, Cat C15,DD60/DD92, ISX 15 & more..
Custom interiors
10,13,18 speed transmissions
A lot of customization options for exterior & interior


Dom, 51503d, D3D, Habdorn, Kriechbaum, CT, HFG, ZEEMODS, TYRONES BOOTH, REDNECK, bigdaddy t, chief 86, SMRS

3.1/5 - (19 votes)
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9 Comments on “DOM’S 379 V1.4 1.53”

  1. Bro why say no fuel when i buy straight out of shop , i do emergency refuel and still say no fuel i cant start my truck

  2. Some textures are now broken with the window chops (viewed from interior), interior hanging item, cb radio cord as well as step and bumper logos.

  3. Trailer Lines are good but now the window chops, hanging item, cb radio cable and step logo are all pink checkerboard texture.

  4. Need the texture reworked for the trailer airlines on both ends, they are pink checkerboard pattern.

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