As the title implies you get here a Kotte Garant slurry tanker and a Möscha pivoting distributor.
The slurry tanker is available in two versions, a single-axle (9m²) and a two-axle (14m²) variant.
The barrels are equipped with a three-point hydraulic, so you can use eg the Kverneland Kultistrip of XYZSpain.
There is also a Möscha Schwenkverteiler.
Have fun with it.
Modell: Mod Schuppen/ edit Deutzfahrer
Textur: Modschuppen/ Deutzfahrer
Script: XYZ Spain/ Deutzfahrer
Idee / Konzept: XYZ Spain/ Deutzfahrer
Tester: Deutzfahrer
Sonstige: Deutzfahrer