EAA Map for ETS2 v3.0 1.53

Map EAA v 3.0

We present the new EAA map for Euro Truck Simulator 2. Enjoy the emotions of this new venture that will be constantly updated. Enjoy the new landscapes, the expansive cities, the large and small companies. Pay attention to the challenges and have a good trip! Have fun!

This beautiful Mod includes:

More than 900 cities.
– Amazing scenarios.
– More Brazilian immersion.
– Roads, highways and rural areas.

Compatible: 1.53.x

Update v3 beta:

The new version 1.49 is already available for our EAA Map. We brought a little expansion along with this version adaptation version. See below what we brought with this update:

In addition to the new Climate 4 Seasons adapted to the official Climate of SCS

-Salvador Cities
– Maceo
-Trecho BR101 between Aracajú and Recife .


– 17 South American Countries: Explore the vast expanse of 17 South American countries, immersing yourself in their diverse cultures and unique landscapes.
– Over 800 Cities: Travel through a myriad of cities, from pulsating metropolises to picturesque villages, each with its own atmosphere and driving challenges.
– Over 150,000 km of Roads: Navigate an extensive road network that stretches over 150,000 kilometers, providing a diverse and challenging driving experience.
– Personalized Signs and Advertisements: Feel immersed in the authenticity of the environment with personalized signs and advertisements, making your journey even more realistic.
– Real South American Companies: Connect with the region through the presence of real South American companies throughout your travels, adding an authentic touch to your transportation experience.

New Road Plan(free gratis)



Clube Rotas

4.4/5 - (12 votes)

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File File size
rar Map Update EAA V3 3 GB
zip EAAMAP_1.52_ETS2 3 GB
zip EAA_MAPA_for ETS2_1.53_v3 3 GB
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6 Comments on “EAA Map for ETS2 v3.0 1.53”

  1. me again basically it is there in the mod folder i checked, but it does not show in game. please you need to check as i think it will crash in a combo without it,,,,,,,thanks

    1. still missing the models file bruv, is it not needed?, i don’t understand why it’s not here since 2.52

      I don’t want to use 2.52 or 2.51 as i experience a crash near Grodno just NE of the city on a rail crossing (repeatedly), when i tried 2.53 by itself it did not crash here. but cant use it i don’t think in a combo now? ie we need the models file, tried with 2.52 models file (Rusmap 2.53) but it craqshes (as i expected)..

  2. Esse mapa me agradou e me decepcionou ao mesmo tempo, agradou na parte da atualização adicionar alguns elementos realistas e uma SP totalmente refeita, mas por outro lado me decepcionou por remover alguns trechos, principalmente indo na direção de Bauru

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