Map of Altay v 1.6 1.50

Map of Altai v 1.5 1.46

Map of Altai, which was developed for 6 months.
The map can work both on its own module and on the Europe module, but not on this release.

Map info:

-The whole map has been rebuilt
-all cities have been expanded from Aleysk to Barnaul
-road to Berdsk has been added
-Cherepanovo has been added
-optimization has been improved
-bugs have been fixed
-some ugly 3D objects have been reworked
-the mileage of the map has been increased
-a crossing has been added from the city of Kale to Barnaul
-the road to Zarinsk was added
-the village of Bochkari was added
-village of Smolenskoye was added
-Belokurikha was added
-now it has become easier to get on the map


-Over 80% of the map has been redone!
-Fixed bugs
-Map adapted to 1.50
-Added a road from Zarinsk to Biysk
-Added a road from Aleysk to the village of Mamontovo
-Added the cities of Linevo, Kytmanovo, Martynovo, Tselinnoye, Bukanskoye, Mamontovo
-Reworked cities such as Barnaul, Biysk, Gorno-Altaisk, Berdsk, Aleysk, Zarinsk. Novoaltaisk, Rubtsovsk, Bochkari, Smolenskoye, Belokurikha
-Old 3D models have been reworked and new ones have been added.
-Custom companies have been added such as Bochkari, Arsi Dom, 7th Continent, Altai Koks.
-Improved map optimization.


Igromania TV, Legasy Maksimka, Victoria Winter, Artem Kuznetsov, Sergey Bannikov etc.

5/5 - (4 votes)

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File File size
zip Map_Altay_1.5.1_16.04.23 136 MB
zip Altai_Crash_Fix 29 KB
zip altai_map_1.49 127 MB
zip Altai_v1.6_UNZipMe_1_50 128 MB
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3 Comments on “Map of Altay v 1.6 1.50”

  1. Жив ли проект? Будет ли адаптация под 1.49 и совместимость с другими русскими модами?

    1. Да, жив и 1.6 верия карты будет но выйдет она только летом-осенью этого года и на версию 1.50-1.51 версию игры.

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