Volga Map v 1.5.2 1.53

VolgaMap v1.0

Volga Map Features:

-14 cities
-29 of their companies
-Own cargo and trailers
-High-quality implementation of the environment
-The whole environment is recreated from real panoramas
-To work, you need a Rus Map

Game version: 1.53

Works in in conjunction with RusMap, Sibir Map , Southern Region

For installation, it is recommended to place the map in the mod manager below RusMap and above Siberia. Note that for convenience, a single file is now used.

RusMap 2.52 is required for performance

It is recommended to place the map below RusMap and above Sibir Map in the mod manager

Roads of the Volga region / VolgaMap-a project whose scope includes settlements located on the Volga, the map is being developed in accordance with cartographic data, the terrain, the location of cities and towns, the structure of the road network are close to reality

Features of the modification:

Cities: Tolyatti, Zhigulevsk, Syzran, Volsk, Sennoy and others

Your companies
A lot of your own objects
Everything was recreated from panoramas of the real area
To work, you need a RusMap v2 card.2.4 and higher

The map “Roads of the Volga Region / VolgaMap” was tested together with the maps “Southern Region /Southern Region” and “Great Steppe”

1. Download and unpack VolgaMap_1.2.
2. Place all three unpacked SCS files in the My Documents / Euro Truck Simulator 2 / mod folder.
3. In the mod manager, connect all three files below the files

For correct alignment with Southern Region and Great Steppe maps, the priority in the mod manager can be as follows:
-RusMap_the Great Steppe_roadconnection
-RusMap Map Package
-RusMap Def Package
-RusMap Model Package
-RusMap Model 2 Package
-The Great Steppe – map
-The Great Steppe – def
-The Great Steppe – model
-The Great Steppe – model2
-VolgaMap map
-VolgaMap def
-VolgaMap model
-South Region map [Def and Map]
-Southern Region map [Model1]
-Southern Region map [Model2]

– This fix fixes a crash when buying (upgrading) a garage in Tolyatti
– Fixed other bugs found
Place the downloaded file in the mod folder with the replacement.


Александр Нестеров

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