World Map Background V3.0.1 1.50

World Map Background V2

The map from Promodz and DOWL was taken as a basis, later Melphis changed the location of the continents to match the game world, not the real one.

Greenland has also been corrected, the borders of Yemen and Oman have been corrected, the island of Jan Mayen has been added, the map of South America (EAA) has been added.

The brightness is also reduced so that the names of countries are visible on the cargo map.

At the moment, this is the only map that fully and correctly displays the map of Brazil (EAA MAPA)

Free World Version 2.4 for Euro Truck Simulator 2 (v1.44-1.45):

– Correction of Thailand-Malaysia-Singapore borders
– Adjustment of Lake Thaleluang in Thailand
– Expanded the island of Kofru, due to the shift in version 1.45
– Restored Africa (Australia and PJ_Indo are now displayed a little differently, inside Africa)
– Removed Australia, because. I couldn’t run it on version 1.45 (frequent crashes). If they fix it, I’ll return it…
– Tweaked the coastline of Antarctica

Greenland has been corrected, the borders of Yemen and Oman have been corrected, the island of Jan Mayen has been added, and several other minor edits. The basis of my refinement was the drawing of a map of South America (EAA).

Also, unlike the Melphiz version, the brightness has been reduced so that the names of countries on the cargo map are visible.


Only minor color changes are new

Version 3.0 for 1.50

I really wanted to work with borders (especially the Balkans), but I don’t have time. And as soon as I see the amount of work, I immediately give up.
In general, at the request of friends from China, I removed the Tibetan border and adapted it to version 1.50. There are no more changes.
PS Brazil will not be included in the background yet. They seem to have their own now in new versions.

– Adjustment to the Southeast Asia Map
– Many minor changes to coastlines
– Added many islands
– Fixed borders in some places

– Minor border edits in Europe
– Temporarily reverted and archived version without EAA
– Added version without EAA, but with Grand Utopia (drawn in haste)

Version 2.7.3:
minor edits of the borders of Italy
edits of borders and coastlines for Mapro EU
minor edits of the borders of African countries
A new land and an island in the Polar Region have been redrawn for the Russian Islands Map

– Editing the coastline in Northern Ireland for mod Northern Ireland Rebuilding version 0.20
– Editing the coastline El Enclaves Map version 0.31

Version 2.7.1:
– completed borders and coastlines for the new Southeast Asia Map V.0.2.1
– updated borders and coastlines in Spain for the city of Ceuta (mod El-Enclave)
– the island of Corfu is slightly modified, for correct display in combination without ProMods

Version 2.7:
– – border update for JR v 0.6A
– updated borders and coastlines of France and Spain

For version 1.46.x

Version 2:

1. Integrated fixes preventing departures and shifting of the map when using ProMods with some combinations.
2. The scroll value on the cargo map has been increased (now there are no problems with cargo selection in EAA MAPA)
3. Added the entire map of Brazil (EAA MAPA). The coastlines are adjusted according to the game world.
4. The borders of Uruguay, Argentina and the Guianas in the northern part have been corrected (the borders of the regions of Brazil are not quite accurate yet)



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3 Comments on “World Map Background V3.0.1 1.50”

  1. I just have added your ‘World Map Background V 2.8’
    Have put it at top of modmanager. Starting game took a while.
    Then after starting it I see the countries as in another map views / backgrounds = black and white.

    There is no any coloured map as it was been seen in your published images.
    Why are there no colours within the map-view?
    Maybe you have to rework your background so that it appears in colours?
    Meanwhile many thanke for your work.
    And happy driving………

    1. It works for me, did you perhaps put it at the top? I have a feeling you’re using promods, if it’s below promods then promods own map will override this one.

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