Owned Lamberet Futura SR2 trailer v1.5 1.44 – 1.49

Owned Lamberet Futura SR2 trailer 1.44 - 1.45

Trailer in the ownership of Lamberet Futura SR2.

– Standalone
– 20 skins
– Support for advanced coupling
– Animation support
– Backlit display on the refrigerator
– Added reflective rear and side plates and stripes.
– Added to traffic
– Support for all DLC
– Cable support

For version 1.49


Author: Lamberet
Update Author: AJIEHA

3.7/5 - (3 votes)

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File File size
zip Lamberet_Futura_SR2 83 MB
zip Lamberet Futura SR2_1_46 82 MB
zip Lamberet_Futura_SR2_1_49 81 MB
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