This is a compilation of 27 mods that are actually compatible with each others and the Beyond update.
It’s improving the graphics, specially ships, enhance the gameplay and improve some mechanics.
I didnt made them, as i said it’s a compilation of mods that i found on this site and Nexus mods.
All the credits goes to the owners of the mods.
There is the list of all the mods:
First time installation:
Browse to No Man’s SkyGAMEDATAPCBANKS.
Delete the DISABLEMODS.TXT file.
Create a folder named MODS
Move mod .pak files into the mods folder.
If done correctly it will display an image telling that you’re running mods. Proceed then load your game and enjoy.
If you already got mods, just replace your folder with mine.
I died instantly with a nice squishy sound upon loading over and over. Not what I had in mind.