Increases planet trader fly-by ships
Here is an up-to-date version of the mod done by Degraaaf.
As he now has less time for NMS and we already discussed in the past, he allowed me to maintain this mod that I particulary love and enjoy in my own play sessions since almost a year now.
So about this mod : it simply greatly increases AI Trader ships speed flying randomly over the landscape, making them flying into the sky at a blazing speed instead of at a slow pace. Being merchants, they sure might think that time is money 🙂
v2.0: original Desolation 2.61.1 version
– Check if this mod is compatible with latest game version
– This mod can’t be used along any other mod modifying GCAISPACESHIPGLOBALS.GLOBAL file but a .lua file is provided if you want to merge this mod with any other mod script written for AMUMSS