Before you ask: “it would be nice if ‘we’ could choose which sounds to mute”, read the bottom section of this description
### compatibility ###
No Man’s Sky ( Endurance 3.97 + 3.98 )
( but might work for earlier versions too )
### description ###
this mod reduces the amount of sounds played by the game by muting 900+ sound effects
### important notes ###
this mod includes a modified NMS_AUDIO_PERSISTENT.BNK and VOCAL_LOCALISED.BNK ( English US ), any other mod loaded after this mod will break part of this mod if said mod has also a modified NMS_AUDIO_PERSISTENT.BNK or VOCAL_LOCALISED.BNK ( English US ) in it.
### mod effects on game ###
– should mute all Exosuit voices ( English US only )
– should mute most of repetitive and frequently-played GUI ( Graphical User Interface ) sounds
– should mute all sound effects on the gamesave selection screen
– should mute all binocular / visor / scanner sounds
– should mute most of the galaxy map sounds
– should mute some of the little robot companion sounds
– should mute some of the sounds inside the Space Anomaly
– mutes specific repetitive sounds inside the freighter ( bridge drone and terminal, cargo containers, stellar extractor )
– should mute some sounds i forgot to mention here…. 900+ sounds. i can not remember them all 🙂
### disclaimer ###
i am imperfect. which means i might have made an error or missed a certain annoying sound. if there is a sound you want muted or you have found an error, feel free to send me a message and i will see what i can do about it.
### mod context ###
the task of muting 900+ sounds is a serious pain in the rear. every single name of every single file needed to be guessed, found and copied into a file and then i wrote a python script to create a muted version of all those files. then i put that into a mod and uploaded it here. that means you can enjoy the pleasure of silence without having to copy paste until your fingers bleed.
### regarding “it would be nice if ‘we’ could choose which sounds to mute” ###
yes. that would indeed be nice. but that question clearly shows you know nothing about what it takes to make this mod. here is why: the process of creating this mod is a multi-step, multi-program process. i use FIVE DIFFERENT PROGRAMS to make this mod:
1. NMS modding station ( to unpack game files and later pack the mod )
2. BNKexplorer to open sound bank files and preview sounds to hear if it is the sound i want to mute
3. Atom editor to find the ID of each file i want to mute
4. my own custom program to make muted files from a list of ID numbers ( for so-called referenced audio files only )
5. another program for modifying the muted sounds into existing sound bank files ( for so-called included files only )
now, if i were to somehow make it so any regular joe could just download this “mod”, click a few buttons and BOOM have their own custom muted sounds mod, that would require an insane amount of time to combine the whole process into one. that is time i am unwilling to spend. REMEMBER, THIS MOD IS FREE. if you dislike some aspect of it, you can do what i did and change the mod yourself.