This mod will make Weather cycles last roughly 4x times longer.
Its designed to be used with the Timescale mod by wickedhorseman
Its a vanilla friendly mod because its a config file change. This means Rockstars weather system is working as it should be
– Includes personaly edited realistic region temperature overhaul
– No bugs that im aware of
– compatible with all mods
– Supreme TAA settings by myself
– Realistic but beautiful night sky
– Extendend shadow parameters
Be aware that their are multiple triggers in this game that will start a weather cycle change. its impossible to remove them yet.
these include but are not limited to:
– Going near or into camp.
– Going near any town.
– Traveling to a new region (for example from grizzlys to heartlands)
– Autosaving the game
– Fast traveling
– Starting a mission
– Going near mission markers
– You need Lenny’s modloader and any asiloader
– drag the “Longer Weathercycles” folder into your lml folder in the RDR2 install directory
– to use with other mods like Vestigia, just overwrite their mod with my files (global folder only not install.xml).
– TAA on High
– Water Refraction on High
– Parralax Occlusion Mapping on High
– SSAO on Medium
– Upscale of x1.25 if you play on 1080p
– Unlocked Raymarch Resolution
– Unlocked Fullscreen SSAO
Works amazing, and the recommended graphic settings in the read me suggested settings that I was afraid to turn on, or up, so I tried and hardly lost any fps. Thanks for this mod.
Hey, do we need the visualsettings.dat for this to work, is it safe to delete it?
You would need to edit the visualsettings.dat and set the weathercycle.duration (or something similar) from 120 to 60. i know it sound counterintuitive but thats what you need to change. The most important file is the WeatherClimates.xml
This is by far the best weather mod. Crucial for atmosphere and it works as promised!