Natural Visual (WIP) V1.01

Natural Visual (WIP)

My personal visual changes for weather and environment, trying to be as realistic as possible: darker nights, more natural colors and lighting without postfx effects. Work in progress.

Update info:
small corrections and, above all, removal of a fragment of the solution code that was not mine, which was merged for my own use and which I forgot to remove before publication (solution “Imposter trees fade fix” by Abdelrahman Mahmoud) – my mistake, sorry for that.


Since new weather mods have appeared in recent days, I’m adding my own one, which I’ve been working on for several weeks. Since it’s not fully ready yet (I’m about 75-80%), I’m counting on your feedback and help in improving it. I’m still working mainly on “rainy” weather, the rest should be mostly ready, although it requires corrections in a few places.

My goal was to get the most natural and clean look possible and get rid of any postfx effects or significantly reduce them. It started with a desire to make dark nights. I probably tested all the visual mods, and although the creators did a great job, I found something missing in each of them, so I decided to create my own from scratch.

What this mod contains:

darker nights (sometimes probably too dark) with darker and more natural interiors (artificial lighting has been greatly reduced) and the brightness of the lighting and stars has been reduced

rebuilt weather – some less, some more, (e.g. the fog is very heavy at the moment, I almost completely edited the sunny weather, which is clearer with less fog and clouds and served as the basis for some of the others, snow falls more freely)

removed or heavily reduced effects: vigniette, bloom, color corrections, dark gradients on top and bottom screen

new wheateres (“sanddust” based on sandstorm with wind removed, “strong rain” with rain from thunderstorm, “gusty wind” based on sunny with modified wind from hurricane and “summer rain”). Can be checked using Trainer (random wheater).

some clouds changed (in this version I left the vanilla ones for now, it’s not finished)

includes some fixes (LOD)

More info in a future update.

Timecycles for missions and Gurama, were only stripped of their effects. Nights, colors and other elements have not been changed (for now).

My brightness setting in the game setup is set to 10.


Copy the contents to the LML folder.

Not compatible with any other visual mod.
But if you are using the Vestigia or Vestigia Lite mod and you want to leave the additional options that this mod contains (extended game settings, more Peds, etc.) then load my mod after it.



especially to Tuffy for “Visual Settings Reloader”, without which it would not be possible to do such work (and now my F10 key is barely holding on to the keyboard)
RampageDev for Trainer, thanks to which you can conveniently test the mod
for the creators of other visual mods that inspired me to learn and experiment myself, thanks to which I could understand how it all works

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