This mod contains all of my works that aimed to improve melee combat only in one file. (Grapple Sequences, subdue animations, 5 brawling styles, struggle challenge and a grapple position switching for back and front grapple)
New animations, Grapple Reversals, Struggle Exits, Window Throw Fix, AI Improvments, Alternative Animations and more.
[Version 2.2]
– BS_BRUISER can perform wall grapple sequence now.
– Now you can throw enemies to every direction you want even if you are too close to an object.
– Fixed the issue that caused player to dismiss enemies to other directions instead of front.
-You can perform bs_player_winter1 dismiss animations with every weapon now.
– Window throw animations can be performed with every weapon.
– Small changes.
[Version 2.0]
– Now you’ll be able to shove NPCs just like in online mode. Just run at them and press left mouse click or R2 on your
– An attemp to fix the issue which new combat animations were not working for some players.
– Also updated Shove NPCs mod.
[Version 1.9]
-AI will be able to perform environmental attacks
-AI can perform armed executions on players if you get too close to them.
-AI and player can counter armed executions (NPCs mostly counter it if they’re using a melee weapon)
And more.
[Version 1.8]
– New breakfree animation. (Press [K] while grappling a NPCs or being grappled by an NPC, might cause some problems while two or more enemies are targetting you at the same time [Numpad0 or Z to stop it] | Showcase)
– New counter escape, execution and knockout fail animation. (Only works for knife and fists | Showcase)
– New unarmed takedown animation to be used on seated enemies. (Approach them from left or right | Showcase)
– Knife wall executions will work just like rifle and pistol wall executions. (While near a wall press F or Left Mouse click. Then either press F (knockout) or left mouse click (execution)
– When you try to activate wall grapple sequence, brawling style will automatically switch to bs_micah_finale now.
– Minor changes.
[Version 1.3]
[NumPad Keys]
Numpad1 = bs_player
Numpad2 = bs_player_winter1
Numpad3 = bs_bruiser
Numpad4 = bs_micah_finale
Numpad5 = bs_player_finale
Numpad6 = Wall subdue sequence (For animation to start you should press any NPC against to wall and hit them atleast once and switch your brawlingStyle to bs_micah_finale.)
Numpad7 = Back grapple subdue sequence (If you want NPCs to do that to you let them grapple you from behind press the button and press N (subdue
button or just set their brawling style to bs_player or bs_bruiser to if you don’t want to press N everytime.)
Numpad8 = Struggle challenge
Numpad0 = (Remove the effects of grapple sequence, if you don’t you won’t be able to grapple anyone)
B = Front grapple to back grapple (If NPCs grapple you you can use same keys to make them do the same move but they need to use bs_player or bs_bruiser)
G = Back grapple to front grapple (If NPCs grapple you you can use same keys to make them do the same move but they need to use bs_player or bs_bruiser)
N = (Knife Subdue (mounted), unarmed subdue (mounted), unarmed subdue (grapple from behind), unarmed subdue and unarmed (back grapple
subdue from front [requires bs_bruiser]).
Up Arrow = Kick
Down Arrow = Punch to the head
Z = Trough drowning animation (You have to press shove them or dismiss them to the ground (intimidate them
first) and while shoving them press Z and F together rapidly or just
try to press Z while the animation is playing.)
R = Charge at NPCs with a knife (Run any NPCs while pressing R and F rapidly and you’ll stab them.)
X + WASD = (Defenestration, window throw animations)
Brawl animations (video of old version of my Brawling Style Switcher mod but still the same animations + this pack doesn’t include notifications)
All subdue animations with every outcome + Back grapple from front
Wall grapple sequence
Back grapple sequence (subdue fail)
Back grapple sequence (subdue success)
Grapple position switches
bs_player_winter1 = Allows you to use interrogation dismiss animations if you gonna use
guns you have to grapple them with bs_player first.(Bashing their head
to the wall, slapping them, hitting them with the guns but etc.)
bs_player_finale = Knife animations.
[Function Keys]
F1 = bs_player
F2 = bs_player_winter1
F3 = bs_bruiser
F7 = bs_micah_finale
F8 = bs_player_finale
F9 = Wall subdue sequence (For animation to start you should press any NPC against to wall and hit them atleast once and switch your brawlingStyle to bs_micah_finale.)
F10 = Back grapple subdue sequence (If you want NPCs to do that to you let them grapple you from behind press the button and press N (subdue
button or just set their brawling style to bs_player or bs_bruiser to if you don’t want to press N everytime.)
F11 = Struggle challenge
Z = (Remove the effects of grapple sequence, if you don’t you won’t be able to grapple anyone)
B = Front grapple to back grapple (If NPCs grapple you you can use same keys to make them do the same move but they need to use bs_player or bs_bruiser)
G = Back grapple to front grapple (If NPCs grapple you you can use same keys to make them do the same move but they need to use bs_player or bs_bruiser)
N = (Knife Subdue (mounted), unarmed subdue (mounted), unarmed subdue (grapple from behind), unarmed subdue and unarmed (back grapple
subdue from front [requires bs_bruiser]).
Up Arrow = Kick
Down Arrow = Punch to the head
Z = Trough drowning animation (You have to press shove them or dismiss them to the ground (intimidate them
first) and while shoving them press Z and F together rapidly or just
try to press Z while the animation is playing.)
R = Charge at NPCs with a knife (Run any NPCs while pressing R and F rapidly and you’ll stab them.)
X + WASD = (Defenestration, window throw animations)
bs_player_winter1 = Allows you to use interrogation dismiss animations if you gonna use guns you
have to grapple them with bs_player first.(Bashing their head to the
wall, slapping them, hitting them with the guns but etc.)
bs_player_finale = Knife animations.
Requires: Alexander Blade’s Script Hook RDR2