This mod let you create continuous fire explosions in fron of the player.
This mod simply let you create fire explosions, and the explosions can move to where you point. Only support keyboard. There are two powers, one to attack enemies far away, one to attack enemies around the player. Sorry for my English.
ScripthookDRD2 by Alexander Blade (Not the one on Nexus):
Community ScripthookRDR2.NET: Community ScriptHookRDR2 .NET
All other programs required by the above two programs.
Put the “HCL_Superpower_03.cs” into the /scripts/ folder in the RDR2 installed folder (if you have successfully installed the “Community ScripthookRDR2.NET” you should have this folder, if not, you can create one.).
How to use the powers
Hold F3 to create continuous explosions in front of the player, press D4 to create a big explosion around the player. The player will not get hurt but other things will.
How to change key binding:
Simply open the file with a notepad and make the change. For example, if you want to chang the continuous explosion key to “number 3”, just change all “Keys.F3” into “Keys.D3”.