KZ Va’ruun Vestiary V1.0a

KZ Va'ruun Vestiary

Va’ruun themed clothing/spacesuit pack. Adds various standalone clothing items and a spacesuit to the game.

Current content:

Va’ruun Vypera Suit (male/female)
Va’ruun Vypera Outfit (female)
Great Serpent Consort Outfit (female)
Great Serpent Consort Harness (female)
Great Serpent Consort Suit (female)

Va’ruun Vypera Spacesuit (male/female)
Va’ruun Vypera Helmet (male/female)
Va’ruun Vypera Boostpack (male/female)

Optional file available to replace vanilla Va’ruun spacesuits ingame with the Vypera version.


Use any working mod manager or drop the files to your Steam Starfield directory and enable from Creation menu.

Install any nude body texture mod, as shown in pictures for the outfits, to remove the vanilla underwear, for example: CRT – Skins or Starqueen textures.

Optional spacesuit replacer version:

Make sure that your StarfieldCustom.ini has the lines:


Drop the files to your Documents\My Games\Starfield\ folder.


Kryo Zet

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File File size
zip KZ Varuun Vestiary-1-0a 258 MB
zip Varuun Vypera Spacesuit - Replacer-1-0 57 MB
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