New outfits for Sarah (retexture) V1.1

New outfits for Sarah (retexture) V1.1

Simple retexture mod for Sarah. Includes new green pants and 8 new leather jackets. Future versions of the mod will include a bunch of other colors so stay tuned!

B0 – Brown jacket
B1 to B5 – Brown jackets with some black elements
B6 – Black jacket
B7 – Black Jacket with brown elements

How do I install this thing?

1. Download the mod

2. Extract Data folder to C:\username\Documents\My Games\Starfield

3. In the same location create StarfieldCustom.ini (if you don’t have it already) and add these lines:


If you don’t want new pants – remove from Data folder.

If you don’t want the jacket – remove and from Data folder.

How to remove it?
– Remove files from C:\username\Documents\My Games\Starfield\Data\Textures\clothes\outfit_sarah

How to spawn the jacket for myself?

– In game open console commands by tilde key (~ button) and type in:

additem 00055905 1



Download mod

File File size
rar New Outfits For Sarah-1-1 13 MB
rar B0_Sarah-1-1 2 MB
rar B1_Sarah-1-1 2 MB
rar B2_Sarah-1-1 2 MB
rar B3_Sarah-1-1 2 MB
rar B4_Sarah-1-1 2 MB
rar B5_Sarah-1-1 2 MB
rar B7_Sarah-1-1 1 MB
rar B6_Sarah-1-1 1 MB
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