Shapely Neocity Formwear Outfit V1.45

Shapely Neocity Formwear Pants Replacer V1.2

Replaces the female Neocity Formwear pants mesh.

Just makes some things a little bigger. My first mod after some hours learning Blender and Nifskope.

Slimmer waist, bigger thighs/boobs/butt.

Two main files:
(Option A) FOMOD that lets you mix-and-match shirt and pants size based off VBB proportions.
(Option B) One shirt and pants mesh. Extra thick. Only for the true believers.

Neocitysuit and Capesuit Normal Textures improvement
Black Neocity Formwear
White Neocity Formwear


Blender Plugin – SesamePaste
VBB – Irastis
An empty morph file by Somber

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