Star Wars Ship Mechanic Outfit V1.0

Star Wars Ship Mechanic Outfit

Just a little mod I did for my own personal taste. I use a lot of Star Wars overhaul mods and found the Ground Crew Spacesuit (which is a really good vanilla Spacesuit) looking too similar to the X-Wing pilot suit.
So I decided to give them another outfit instead…

What you get:
A new ship mechanic spacesuit
All “Technician” NPCs wear the new “Ship Mechanic” spacesuit and helmet. The vanilla “Ground Crew Spacesuit” still is in the game and can be looted/bought
Added to the loot list. Should be buyable at specific vendors, too.
Craftable at industrial workbench

I think all is said. It is not a simple replacer but an addition. But of course it replaces the outfits the Technicians wear (the guys you usually see at the landing platforms).
There is an optional file, too if you just want the outfit and no replacement.
It has no body morphs so expect some clipping if your sliders are above avarage. I changed the NPCs weight/muscles so they should be fine.

Use a mod manager. Use Plugin.txt Enabler.

Manual Installation:
Extract the zip file to “\Documents\My Games\Starfield\”
or if using Bakas “Disable MyGames folder” extract it to your “Data” folder where Starfield is installed.
If you don’t already have done so, please make a “StarfieldCustom.ini” or edit if it already exist in “\Documents\My Games\Starfield\” folder with the following:



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