Star Wars Spacer Overhaul V1.0

Star Wars Spacer Overhaul V1.0

Looking for some more Star Wars mods or just wanna spice up those Spacers a little bit? Well, I got you covered.
This mod brings a little more variety to the Spacers faction. In vanilla Starfield, they simply use a mishmash of 8 different standard spacesuits whether they are just some newbie recruits or the final “boss” at the end of a Spacer infested dungeon.

I wanted to change that by adding 8 new spacesuits specifically to the Spacer faction and replacing the standard boring ones.

What you get:
8 new spacesuits (helmet, body, jetpack)
Different spacesuits for the various types of Spacers (bosses, sniper, assault, recruits, etc.)
Distributed to vendors and the loot table (you have to find or buy them)

Starfield distinguishes between different types of Spacers, yet they all share the same spacesuits they can use.
With this mod, the different types stand out and use their own armor sets.

Standard Spacers will use a mishmash from the 5 new spacesuits
Recruits and Untrained Spacers will only use the Marauder, Navigator or Raider spacesuits
Snipers will only use the Raider, Captain or Assault spacesuits
Charger will only use the Marauder, Raider or Assault spacesuits
Bounty Hunter and Bosses (Heavy) will ony use the Commander, Duelist or Expert spacesuits

So extra hard enemies or the ones that are supposed to be the “boss” at the end of a dungeon stand out.
Like in vanilla, it is still random which parts of the different spacesuits they are using. So the helmets, armors and backpacks can be from different armor sets.
Just look at the screenshots and you will get what I mean.

The outfits are not craftable at the workbench. I wanted to make it like in vanilla Starfield so you have to loot or buy the armor from vendors. They share the same stats as their vanilla counterparts.

Navigator spacesuit is completely replaced by the new Navigator set.
Deep Recon spacesuit is completely replaced by the new Raider Captain set.
The rest of the vanilla spacesuits are still in the game and used by other NPCs but not the Spacers anymore.

In interiors, Spacers will also use regular clothing besides the spacesuits. I left this as it is in vanilla as it gives even some more variety. Only the spacesuits they use are different.

Use a mod manager.
Manual Installation:
Extract it to your “Data” folder where Starfield is installed.
If you don’t already have done so, please make a “StarfieldCustom.ini” or edit if it already exist in “\Documents\My Games\Starfield\” folder with the following:



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File File size
zip Star Wars Spacer Overhaul-1-0 776 MB
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