Dogmetal – Robotic K9 Companion V1.0

Dogmetal - Robotic K9 Companion V1.0

Miss Dogmeat from Fallout4? Who doesn’t? Well meet Dogmetal, your Starfield version of Dogmeat.

Ok so here’s the deal…

We’re limited in “mods” until we can get our hands on CK2 but here’s the most primitive version of a K9 follower.

“Dogmetal” won’t carry items for you…can’t trade gear with dialog at all just yet. But he will be a loyal companion fighting at your side without complaining that he didn’t like this or that. He won’t get mad at you…he won’t leave because you married more than one person…he’s “MAN’S BEST FRIEND”.

MO2 shouldn’t have an issue with it if you just specify the Data folder correctly.
No idea about Vortex or other managers.
Manual installation is easy. Just copy the Dogmetal.txt file into your Starfield installation’s Data folder.

Go somewhere alone…no NPCs around..not even followers…

Run this command in the console (with the quotes): bat “Data\Dogmetal”
Dogmetal will spawn and become visible (usually behind you) when you close the console….so close the console…
Look at ya new boy…open the console back up and select him. Should say something like NPC_blahblahblah
Once he’s selected, run these commands (there’s a cheat sheet in the console after spawning him):

ssq 0000D773
forcerefintoalias ActiveFollowers
setplayerteammate 1

If you did it all right, he should now follow you around and blast anything that might aggro on you…just like a good boy should…

He also keeps up way better than other companions…just saying.

NOTE: I didn’t make him “essential” explicitly…he’s the base outpost security dog so I don’t know if he can be killed…but I did make him immune to friendly fire. I’m still testing him out on my team and haven’t managed to kill him yet…lol. I’ll update as I go along.


OCD Insomniac aka Kylphor

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File File size
zip Dogmeta l- Robotic K9 Companion-1-0 411 B
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