Dynamic Quest XP Boost V1.0

Dynamic Quest XP Boost

In Starfield, quest rewards are usually anywhere between 75 and 500 XP which works at the early levels, but when you are a higher level, these quest rewards can feel punishing rather than rewarding. You should be incentivized to experience the hand-crafted content.

This mod will grant 10 extra XP multiplied by your current level when you complete any non-radiant, non-repeatable quest.

Dynamic Quest XP Boost

(Completing a quest at level 5)

Completing a quest at level 1 will grant 10 extra XP, at level 2, 20 XP, at level 3, 30 XP etc.

Will not cause any compatibility issues, however this mod only supports base game quests and does not automatically detect quests from other mods.
This is a light master and will not use 1 of your 256 esm slots.

Safe to install mid playthrough.

Recommended: Use Mod Organizer 2 to install.
Not recommended: Unzip files to \Steam\steamapps\common\Starfield\Data folder.

Uninstalling mods mid playthrough is not advised. To uninstall, you must get the quest ID by using the console command “help QuestXPBoost”, once you have the quest ID, something like 0xFE00480D, run the command “setstage [questID] 1000”. This will cleanup the event listeners and notify you with a message that the mod is now safe to uninstall.

Dynamic Quest XP Boost

(The message you will receive after setstage [questID] 1000)

Recommended: Use Mod Organizer 2 to uninstall.
Not recommended: Delete this mods files, QuestXPBoost.ESM, Scripts\XPBoostScript.pex, and Scripts\Fragments\Quests\QF_QuestXPBoost_FE00080D.pex.

Feel free to recommend different formulas, caps, etc for quest XP rewards and I can make variants.

If any quests fail to give dynamic XP but they should, or vice versa, please let me know in the comments.

Tiny possibility of receiving 20 XP per level instead of 10 on a few quests, although I believe this is entirely fixed. MQ404 (last quest) can reward double XP but I believe you might technically be finishing two quests. Let me know if you experience this.

Not tested after going through Unity/NG+ and doing the same quests. It may only work the first time you do a quest. (Maybe that’s a feature not a bug)



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