Useful Brigs V1.1

Useful Brigs V1.1

Brigs. Your ship has them, you can’t use them. But why? I don’t know. Cut content? Future content? Perchance. Useful Brigs aims to make brigs, well… useful. You can now send knocked out NPCs to your ships brig and sell the appropriate prisoners to the appropriate faction like the skilled bounty hunter, officer, or slaver that you are.

How to send an NPC to the brig:

Knock out NPC using EM equipment. (Children are eligible if using Mortal Killable Children, entirely optional & no patch needed)
Use new interaction option “Send to Brig” (I recommend using this mod with Non-Lethal Framework and the patch, NLF Useful Brigs Patch. This will require that you restrain NPCs before you send them to the brig.)

If you have enough brig space, the prisoner is assigned a bed. 1 prisoner per 1 bed (a bunkbed is 2 beds as there is 2 cots/mattresses), because we aren’t monsters. If you do not have any free beds, you will get a notification informing you of this. Prisoner gear is moved to the player’s cargo, so you aren’t missing out on loot.

Now that you have prisoners, you can exchange them for credits with the appropriate faction, whether you decide to be a law bringer or a slaver. Each faction has their own prisoner criteria and bonus payouts depending on the characteristics of your prisoners.

For example, the Crimson Fleet will pay more for women and children, but generally pay less per prisoner. However, the Crimson Fleet will take any prisoner. The UC will pay more per prisoner with a bonus for legendary enemies, but they must belong to a “criminal” faction.

How to sell prisoners:

Talk to a member of the Crimson Fleet, UC Security, or Freestar Security. Choose to sell the prisoners.
??? Profit.

How to release prisons:

Visit the prisoner in the cell, a release option will be visible.
Give them the sweet release of death.

How to remove freed or dead prisoners:

Dead bodies and freed prisoners are removed from your ship at take off and landing. Freed prisoners who are alive will return to their original location.

Some additional notes:

It was hard to get prisoners to behave for many reasons. If they get rowdy and leave their cell, you can always edit your ship. The brigs are “refreshed” at take off, landing, editing of the ship, and changing of the home ship. The more prisoners you have, the less likely you can spam adding a new prisoner there is a lot of logic in this mod and functions can become burdened/expensive fast; the less prisoners you have the better this mod performs. Although I don’t know of a cap on how many prisoners you need.

Top bunks facing the opposite direction will exit through the wall. I don’t have a good solution for this at this time, but it looks good when in use, so I’m keeping it for the time being.

Set lasers to STUN! My mod Alternate Vasco will allow you to equip EM weapons to Vasco and more!



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