Data Folder Fix (Photo Mode Works)

Data Folder Fix (Photo Mode Works)


What this mod does/fixes:

Normally, in most Bethesda games. The Mods are installed in the Data directory of the main Game folder, usually in you Steam directly. If you use a mod manager that installs the mods elsewhere, this is likely not required for you. This game, thanks to Message of the Day and Photo Mode saving textures in the Documents/My Games/Starfield/Data folder, means, mods must be installed there instead. This fixes that requirement by either disabling MotD and moving the Photo Mode photos to another directory, breaks Photo Mode pictures from being loaded as load screens. The 2nd method uses something called a symbolic link which links the main game Data folder into the Documents/My Games/Starfield folder, the better option IMO as it doesn’t break Photo Mode and MotD doesn’t need to be disabled. Those Textures get moved by this solution to the Main Game folder. There is another Mod called ModFix that does the same thing with the symbolic link, but the author made a CMD Prompt script to do it instead of using Link Shell Extension. Hope this explains it for you.

There are now two methods to this fix now. Thanks to cjh117, you can watch the following YouTube video for a method that works with Photo Mode and Message of the day. If you feel uncomfortable using Link Shell Extension, you can still use the old method below, but that method breaks Photo Mode and requires you disable MotD:

Just go to your Documents\My Games\Starfield\Data\ folder and DELETE the “Textures” folder. Anytime Message of the Day loads or you take a picture in Photo Mode, it will recreate the textures folder. So, you will need to backup any existing pictures to the My Game\Starfield\Photos\ folder and DELETE the My Game\Starfield\Photos\Textures\folder again anytime you take a new picture in Photo Mode before relaunching the game.

Also add the following lines to StarfieldCustom.ini:

Thanks to DrDelirium:

bEnableMessageOfTheDay = 0

This will disable MotD and stop it from recreating the Textures Folder.

Thank to ravensergio:


Doing this will change the folder the game saves your Photo Mode pictures to the My Game\Starfield\Photos\ folder instead. This way it will no longer create the Textures folder.



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