Starfield External Map Helper V0.1.0.2

Starfield External Map Helper V0.1.0.2

What this?
A general purpose .html based offline application, to improve general accessibility, provide wiki based information, and allow for a wide variety of additional features not found, but strongly needed in the game.

Care to explain details?
1. a 2D static starmap of all settled systems you can interact with
2. small journals for every individual systems
3. visualize discovered, surveyed, and outpost state
4. a resource wheel showing general resource availability in every system
5. a general purpose global journal
6. individual system widgets for currently 18 systems around Alpha Centauri with fancy real time animation
7. direct links to the Starfield Wiki(‘s) through various means
8. direct access to local maps and 8 different web based wiki/infobase sources
9. direct access to the Starfield Community Patch website to, for example, report bugs
10. map state and journals will be saved in local browser storage, but can also be exported to a .json
11. compatible with any browser, including the Steam browser
12. real time clock display
13. source available by default and free to edit by anyone

Why and how to use?
I can’t answer the why for you, but you can use it in any browser. I personally use it in both, the Steam Browser, and on my second computer with Chrome, where on my Steam browser I’m actually using the global journal only, and I control my second computer with “Mouse Without Borders”. You can use it on a second monitor, or you can use it just on one computer, with one monitor and Alt-Tab’ing out of the game. If you are used to Elite Dangerous gameplay then you’ll certainly have a second computer and/or monitor, which is the recommended way of using this Helper.

Will this be worked on and improved?
Yes, certainly. The final version will have widgets for all systems, states for all celestial bodies inside systems, a global journal subpage to use as flora/fauna encyclopedia you can drag&drop images into, and maybe a full fledged individual radio.

Does this interact with the game?
No, and that’s intentionally, hence the title “Helper”. The decision for this has been made for security reasons, and because I won’t do features I could implemend into the game directly. Implementing web access into flash elements would be a way to longetive and tedious task, hence why it makes sense to do it externally with a .html based app. I intentionally wanted something outside of the game I can interact with to document my life as a Starborn, or whatever way I choose. The settled systems should have internet, right? So it does make sense to include it into the game. This helper just does it in a very convenient and direct way.

How to install?
There is no install. Just unzip and place where ever you want. I recon you are able to create a desktop link?

Can I debug?
Yes, you actually can. Using Notepad++ you can edit every single part of this utility. .html and java code inside .html’s is compiled at runtime inside the browser, so all files are entirely sourced. You just have to read it and edit to your wishes. Also, every browser has a debug mode which you can enable when pressing “F12”. Inside the debug mode you will also have access to local storage, performance data, and various other strcutural data.



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7z Starfield External Map Helper-0-1-0-2 14 MB
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