Stay Put V1.1

Stay Put V1.1

Disables havok on a bunch of stuff so it stays put.

No more stuff going all over your ship (or anywhere for that matter). This mod adds a modified version (that detects Zero-G) of the DefaultDisableHavokOnLoad script to many MISC and MSTT base objects so it affects the entire game. ALCH base objects have the No Havok flag assigned.

Since this touches a lot of items, put this high in your load order so any mods that make changes to the same items will take precedence. Or, better yet, take the time to learn how to patch your load order with SF1Edit.

Been using it for awhile now and it’s been great not having stuff going flying everywhere all the time. Some things still move but it’s waaay better than it was before.

Check out my ship. All the stuff is ON THE TABLE and not all over the floor.

Requires: Plugins.txt Enabler



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7z Stay Put-1-1 52 KB
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