This is a build guide for the SC2 Hyperion ship found in the mod created by FU8930
This is not a normal mod, this is a build guide only.
The original mod only has the save file available on a NG+ with the character having all skills and all stats.
The character level was over 12,000 and i dint want to have to play with what was basically cheats on skills and levels.
This is a massive step by step dissection of the entire ship, meant to be read in REVERSE order, in order to reverse-engineer this masterpiece.
Update: after building this in my own game utilizing the images i created, the DeepCore Dc506 reactor does not seem to exist, at least in my files, but i was able to successfully replace it with (user’s choice) of class B reactor modules.
Ship Builder Tolerance Tweaks Must Have
Ship Builder Unrestricted (Gamepass and Steam) Must Have
Shipyards Unlocked Highly recommended
Despite the required mods listed above, you will still need to travel to the Red mile in order to obtain shielded cargo holds, and multi-frequency jammers.