Vanilla Plus Flashlight V1.0

Vanilla Plus Flashlight V1.0

Increased brightness by about 40-45 % and scale by about 20-25 %

The vanilla flashlight gives me headaches.
I know there are other flashlight mods out there, and among all of them, I like one really really much, problem, all these mods change somewhat the vanilla design, or redesign it entirely, or doesnt change enough for it to be worthwhile imo. All are better than vanilla of course, this is just a personal preference.
This one keeps the vanilla style, I made it a bit bluer on the edges, bigger in the centre and has a larger radius.
I find this to be a lot better, less headaches (very important), makes things easier to see in the dark,
and doesnt give me that ” i modded the sht out of the game this isnt even Starfield anymore” feel.
I like to stay close to the original game, only improve things I find annoying. Like the pathetic original flashlight.
I didnt increase the resolution, so this is 1k…because ?? Why should I ? this is a flashlight, its true purpose is to light things up not to look fancy. All the increased resolutions look like a blur anyway. This doesnt affect performance at all, because, vanilla = 1k, mod = 1k. win – win.

install in the textures folder.



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