Avontech Castershots V1.0

Avontech Castershots V1.0

Powerful ancient consumable weapon rounds featuring the Vulcan micromissle launchers, Thor lightning hammers and more

Castershots are researchable consumable items that will activate on the next shot of your currently equipped gun.

They can be added to favorites and act like abilities from games like Mass Effect/Warframe.

They are split into three different research tiers based on strength and can be built in the manufacturing bench.

If you want to add these to the loot table instead of crafting/research, use my mod StarArmory

Tier I
Uorsar – Arcs a shot causing large fires on the next trigger pull.
Vulcan – Fires a explosive shot on the next trigger pull.
Mefitis – Fires a venomous shot on the next trigger pull.

Tier II
Shiva – Fires a frozen bolt on the next trigger pull.
Boreas – Fires a shockwave on the next trigger pull.
Thor – Fires a lightning hammer on the next trigger pull.

Tier III
Zephryos – Fires a staggering impact shot on the next trigger pull.
Skra’gath – Fires a twisted burning blast on the next trigger pull.

Requires: Plugins.txt Enabler



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zip AvonTechCasterShots-1-0 83 KB
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