Gemini Rifle V2.15

Gemini Rifle V2.15

The Gemini-MI50 is a prototype magnetic induction weapon developed by Allied Armaments using an Orion as the foundation of the weapon. It is currently seeing use with select UC Special Forces and Aegis agents. It is primarily meant to be used at a range to take out with extreme lethality. The gun is known to be weighty and can be cumbersome to some but is said to more than make up for this with it’s raw power.

Alright.. this time for real!

The Gemini-MI50 is a power ballistic AA sniper rifle (sorry particle weapon fans) meant to compete with the likes of the Hardtarget or Magsniper; more so act as an in-between. The gun uses the same ammo as the Magsniper but lacks the charging ability. The gun has limited customization and is being shipped as is. You will find it on the Defense Research floor of the MAST building, it will be on a desk.

This gun has been the literal bane of my existence for the past couple of days. From not wanting to work properly, to parts disappearing to even restarting the whole mod over due to the first iteration being such a nightmare, it is done and will so no further additions/changes unless something serious pops up.



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