Munitions Expansion Framework V0.7.5

Munitions Expansion Framework V0.7.3

What is this mod, what does it do ?!
Munitions Expansion Framework (MEF for short) is a mod that adds a framework of new munitions/assets into starfield, allowing modders to use specific ammo or casings for their custom weapons, or for users, for use with the vanilla weapons using the vanilla weapons patch, this is the list of current features, remember none of this is final:

Accurate casings dimensions, textures and models.
Completely new munitions such as 5.7x28mm, 9x19mm or 7.62x51mm etc, each having their dedicated ammo entry, art object entry for casings, ammo boxes (Only 9×19 has one for now) models/textures, and recipes available for crafting at workbenches for now, will use a custom workbench in the future, here’s a list of the calibres/casings implemented :

– 12 Gauge Red|Blue|Green
– .277 SIG Fury
– .300 BLK
– .45 ACP
– .50 AE
– .50 BMG
– 5.56x45mm
– 5.7x28mm
– 65mmCT (Vanilla asset for reuse)
– 6mm Telescopic
– 7.62x39mm
– 7.62x51mm
– 9x19mm
– 9x39mm

Custom made projectiles and properties for some munition variants, such as .50BMG AP and API.
Adjusted casing ejection settings and lifetime to be more satisfying.
Easy to use for modders to add casings to their weapons.

For modders

If you’re a modder making a custom weapon and would like to allow your weapon to eject casings follow these instructions :

In Nifskope, open your core/receiver weapon nif, select BSConnectPoint::Parents.
At the bottom in the Block List tab, in Block details add a Connect point by changing the Num Connect Point value up(ie 5>6), click on the refresh icon under it next to Connect Points.
In the list of Connect points, you now have a newly created connect point, select it, in Parent, rename the text to whatever you want or leave it blank, in Name, add P-Casing, modify the rotation and translation to adjust the ejection angle and start point, save the nif.

Next, In the CK, select your weapon entry, edit, in the ammunition tab, at the bottom, use the Override Shell casing list, select whatever casing you want for your weapon, the assets provided by MEF should be named MEF-xxxxx, once you’re done, click apply, save.
Make sure your weapon mod is loading AFTER the MunitionsExpansionFramework(MEF).esm, as a general rule, the MEF .esm should be the lowest possible in your load order.

Alternatively you can also edit your weapon to use the newly created ammo entries provided in MEF, which will automatically use the associated casing as long as the weapon’s nif has been modified!


For users

Download and install the main framework, download and install the Vanilla weapons patch, make sure the VanillaWeaponsPatch ESM loads after the main framework, done.
Note that the MEF Vanilla weapons patch is incompatible with base game replacers, if you want to make whatever replacers you use compatible, follow the modders instructions.

Compatibility ?

The main framework should be compatible with everything as it only adds new entries to starfield, except for one thing, it does change the “Shell eject” settings and debris count, this might conflict with other mods that change these settings, however this should be easily editable, and would not prevent the mod from working as intended, as every other entry is new.

The MEF Vanilla patch is incompatible by default with base game weapon replacers as it uses their core/receiver nifs to integrate the P-Casing connect point necessary for weapons to eject casings, this is however easy to modify as this is why the framework was built, adding the P-Casing connect point should be enough, depending on the model, the connect point ejection angle and other parameters should be modified to fit the model, this same principle applies for custom weapons, the ESM also modifies the base game weapon entries to overrides their shell casing, which probably makes it incompatible with a lot of other mods modifying base game weapons, but this is easily patchable.

Plans for the future ?

Right now i’m looking into a few things:
Adding custom unique ammo boxes for each new munitions implemented, currently only 9x19mm has a dedicated one.
Adding the munitions to the LL list.
Adding custom casings collision, no idea how to do that currently, any help appreciated.
Adding custom casings collision sound, no idea how to do that currently, any help appreciated.
More munitions in general, variants if possible in the future.
Maybe looking into having a way for weapons to change their calibres via the weapon’s workbench, this is more a long term thing and not in my capacity right now.

There’s visible seams on the casings, not sure how to fix that at all, if anyone has tips that’d be great!
Yes i’m aware a lot of the assets have inconsistencies in terms of quality, i’m working hard to ‘fix’ that, my goal is to have consistent and high quality assets for every ammo box, casings, and bullets, but it takes time, and i’m not a 3d artist.
Lighting isn’t perfect on some casings.
First person casing ejection is offset, vanilla issue, no idea how to fix that, this seems to be related to how the game handles first person viewmodels and coordinates.


MEF Team

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