New Horse Coats

New Horse Coats

New real-life coats for your favorite horse breeds.

Some Necessary Tutorials

A. How to use my coats?

1. First, you need to install:
Script Hook
Asi Loader (For the coats that come from online assets that I customized)

2. Once you have the “LML” folder, go into the “LML” folder and create a folder called “stream”.
Then put the .ymt files in LML\STREAM.

B. If you want to change the size of the horse, you can change it yourself by:

1. Open the .ymt file.
2. Find the line:
3. Customize the numbers to your liking! (“1.14370000” is the size of the Shire).

C. You can replace any horse with these horses just by renaming them according to: a_c_horse_breed_coat.ymt

For examples:
“a_c_horse_arabian_white.ymt”, it will replace the white Arabian.
“a_c_horse_missourifoxtrotter_amberchampagne.ymt”, it will replace the amber champagne Missouri Fox Trotter.

D. If you want to change the eyes color from brown to blue or vice versa.

Open up the .ymt file.
Find this code: 0x25D15B14 (This code is Brown Eyes)
Then replace it to: 0x74791D3A (This code is Blue Eyes)

E. Many people have asked me in the personal message if I can add horseshoes to the horses,
or why I don’t do the same thing for the horses in the horses’ packs.

I was going to do that when I first started this work, but that will make the game lose its realism,
because suddenly wild horses have horseshoes in the wild?
But if you want to add horseshoes to the horses you are riding, you can do it yourself.
1. Open up the .ymt file.
2. Scroll down to the last <probability value=”255″/> line.
3. Add this code below it.

<UNK_MEMBER_0x48EA2F7E value=”21″/>
<UNK_MEMBER_0x368C8AC3 value=”21″/>
<UNK_MEMBER_0xB69E0AE8 value=”21″/>
<probability value=”255″/>

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rar All Main Files in One Click-AMFIOC 512 MB
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