Improved High Powered and Amplifier Weapon Mod V1.0

Improved High Powered and Amplifier Weapon Mod V1.0

Adds the following three new mods to high powered and amplifier mods:
– Increases damage by 50%, increases critical damage by 15%, lowers rate of fire by 15% and lowers hip-fire accuracy by 20%
– Increases damage by 35%, increases critical damage by 10%, lowers rate of fire by 10% and lowers hip-fire accuracy by 15%
– Increases damage by 25%, increases critical damage by 5%, lowers rate of fire by 5% and lowers hip-fire accuracy by 10%

– First you will need Plugins.txt Enabler and SFSE

– Then make sure you enable hidden items which is located under:
View (next to the sort dropdown menu), show >, hidden items

– Install with the instructions from the two mods and then make sure you create a text file named Plugins.txt file in:
C://your username/appdata/local/starfield

– In your Plugins.txt file enter the name of my .esm file (and all future .esm mods you download) with an asterisk before it, it should look like this:

* AlternateHP .esm (without the spaces)

– Drop my .esm file into the root data folder of your starfield install:

DO NOT use the old method of adding sTestFile1-10blahblahblah.esp to your StarfieldCustoms.ini file;

This has a high potential to break your saves and is volatile & unpredictable

There is an issue with the Shotty, Magshot, Magstorm and Eon not showing that it has the high powered modification due to it not natively allowing the high powered modification to be added. You’ll know the difference between unmodded and modded if the weapon’s traits are changed by the above changes.

I have tested several weapons and they appear to be in working order, but as always make a backup of your saves before using any new mods!

This should also work with any mod that doesn’t affect the values that change the values of the High Power and Amplifier mods. So any mod that changes other weapon mod values, rate of fire, etc should work just fine. This mod use multiplier values so even if another mod affects say rate of fire, as long as it also multiplies the value, it should work together.



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