Glasses V1.4

Glasses V1.4

Adds a variaty of different glasses to the game

– Doesn’t replace an existing outfit or textures
– For Female and Male Character
– Colors can be changed at the Workbench

1. Add lines below to your StarfieldCustom.ini in Documents\my games\Starfield:


2. Install: Plugins.txt Enabler

3. Add *TheencoGlasses.esm to your plugins.txt

4. Install this mod with Mod manager or place the files manually in the correct folders
(recommended: Baka Disable My Games Folder)

5. Mod is using the same LevelList Injector Script as all my other mods.
It’s OK to replace it

Get Item 

Buy at 
Jemason Mercantile in New Atlants

If you update from a pervious version,
deactivate the mod and load into a save. – then exit then game and activate mod again
The script that adds the item to the levelist only runs once per save.

Then wait for 48 hour


– type “help  glasses” into the console
– Find the corresponding ID
– type “player.additem <ItemID> <#>



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File File size
zip Glas-1-4 4 MB
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