Unleveled Ship Parts – USP V1.0

Unleveled Ship Parts - USP V1.0

Removes the level requirement from all ship parts, while leaving the skill and vendor requirements.

As far as I’m aware, nowhere in the game are you told that ship parts are locked behind being certain level gates, meaning you can easily upgrade your ship the best you can at one level, only for more powerful parts to unlock without you knowing. Because of that, I wanted to change it so that all ship parts no longer have a level requirement, while still having all skill and vendor requirements. You still have to get the skills and seek vendors out, but at least now you’ll have a better idea of what’s available.

As an added bonus, there are a few other fixes/changes I made alongside that as follows:
Made sure all ship parts have the correct workbench keyword
Added missing vendor keywords to the Ballistic Solutions 900T He3 Tank and Nova Galactic Portholes
Made the Amun Dunn Theta Pinch E9 Reactor available for crafting/purchase
Made some Taiyo 2L3W1H habs available for crafting/purchase

Requires: Plugins.txt Enabler



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